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The Next Super Windfall Enough to Subvert WeChat and Surpass Ali - Internet of Things

Robin Li said that the era of mobile Internet is over.
Zhou Hongyi said that the second half of the Internet is about to open.
Eric Schmidt, chairman of Google, predicted that the Internet was about to disappear and a highly personalized, interactive and interesting world was about to be born.
Where is the next super wind mouth that is enough to subvert WeChat and surpass Ali? At the moment, the only thing to look at is the Internet of Things (IoT).

the wind is stirring
"The Internet of Things" this word from 1999 to now, professional "fooled" 18 years, the child went to college, have not seen the shadow of large-scale commercialization. People do not take it as a "wind mouth".
But in 2016, two amazing things happened in the IoT space.
First, in June 2016, the 3GPP organization (mobile communications standardization group) identified the NB-IoT standard protocol (i.e., "Narrow-Band Cellular IoT", which you can refer to as "NB's IoT protocol") as the globally harmonized standard for IoT communications. NB-IoT standard protocol
Regarding the important characteristics of NB-IoT, the following is only for the exclusive use of technical whites to brag: it is used for application scenarios with low mobility, small amount of transmission data, and non-sensitive delay, such as intelligent water meter reading; it has a 10 times higher coverage than the GSM network, and the underground pipeline can also be fully covered by the signals; and the amount of equipment accessed by a base station is as high as 100 thousand;batteriesNot charging allows the communication module to carry a dead weight for 10 years; the cost is only 5 dollars. Most importantly, Huawei is the initiator of this standard.
Second, in November 2016, "after painstaking efforts and ten thousand brutal competitions", the 3GPP organization identified Huawei's polarized code scheme as the final 5G short code scheme. This became a landmark event for China to have a major voice in the communications field.
5G technology is considered the standard for IoT, providing low-cost, low-energy, low-latency, high-speed, and high-reliability communications to support IoT long-duration, large-scale connectivity applications.

For example, the smart car, running at 200 kilometers per hour, 5G also has to ensure that the signal delay between the car and the car, the car and the road is only 1 millisecond. This is like standing on two flying sports cars playing table tennis, a blink of an eye (0.6 seconds), both sides to play 300 rounds without losing the ball. This makes the IoT applications of 5G immense, the only limit is people's imagination.

The dust has settled on the standards and all the vendors have decided to let go of the big picture.


Making Space for Things How big is the market for the Internet of Things?
Comprehensive information shows that: the U.S. market research firm Gartner predicts that by 2020, the global Internet of Things devices will reach 26 billion units, and the market size will reach 1.9 trillion U.S. dollars; McKinsey's prediction is even more alarming, by 2025, the market size will reach 11.1 trillion U.S. dollars (equivalent to 60 trillion yuan).
Obviously, this is exactly what the Internet guys are talking about "the second half".
Some people think that not necessarily, the five technology trends "big intelligence, cloud, things move" (i.e., big data, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, the Internet of Things, mobile Internet) are surging, Alpha Dog slaughtered the human Go player is in full swing, what makes you say that the Internet of Things is the "second half"?
That's because a lot of people don't get the "Big Think, Cloud and Mobility" relationship right.
Robin Li said "the end of the mobile Internet era", refers to the field and then difficult to come up with "unicorns", even if conservative, "move" is no longer the big future; and Zhou Hongyi believes that artificial intelligence There is no algorithmic breakthroughs, but the immediate progress is dipped in the light of big data and cloud computing. Traditional industries can not recreate Taobao, Alipay to build big data, so the fundamental hope is precisely in the Internet of Things. The Internet of Things can produce industry-specific big data, coupled with cloud computing and open-source artificial intelligence algorithms, traditional industries can thus insert the new wings of intelligent technology.
Clearly, we are at the point where the mobile Internet era is quietly switching with the Internet of Things era.
In the next five years, all things visible to the naked eye may be Internet of Things, household appliances, smart cars, mechanical equipment and even forests, swamps and the sea ...... In China alone, there will be 50 billion quantities of smart devices connected, generating a volume of data that will greatly exceed the Internet era, dwarfing the current big data and cloud computing. These super massive data will become an endless source of commercial value, artificial intelligence through the Internet of Things data mining, will also make the existing way of life, production is completely changed.
So don't be fooled by buzzwords like artificial intelligence and big data and turn transformation into a career change just yet. Fasten your seatbelt and let's rush into the IoT era for a first look.

The Dream of the Internet of Things
In the age of the Internet, human connections are based on active sharing. In the age of the Internet of Things (IoT), information is collected and organized by the "things" around you without your doing anything, and becomes part of the "network consciousness".
Early in the morning, when you gradually wake up from sleep, your smart bracelet has been with the family robot "chat" open: master slept late yesterday, according to the data analysis, to be a cup of espresso refreshing; air purifier detected haze, quietly start; wake up lights found to be cloudy, adjusted to gradual bright mode; electronic schedule shows that today there are business activities, family robot busy preparing shirts, suits and shoes, and the family robot is busy getting ready. Robots are busy preparing shirts, suits and shoes. Traditional clothing industry has gone through the Internet of Things revolution, robots can accurately identify clothing shoes and hats, with the program is downloaded from the fashion website.
Brush your teeth first when you get up, your dentist has convinced you to use the new IoT electric toothbrush that will keep a complete record of your brushing time, gesture strength and other habits and correct wrong brushing habits at any time. You had to listen to your dentist, and without using this toothbrush, your dental insurance will go unchecked.
After brushing your teeth and drinking coffee from a precise temperature-controlled cup, you have to wear smart running shoes for a morning run. Now the health insurance is very different, a month does not run a full 200,000 steps, the premium will then be doubled by the health insurance artificial intelligence. Running, heartbeat, blood pressure, respiration, pace, route, etc. was fully recorded and transmitted back to the community hospital cloud. Hospital AI comparison data found that your heart rate is slightly different from usual, the message pushed to the health care practitioner only to find out that you just ran into the neighbor Wang Auntie, the result was due to her dog chased wildly for a period of time.
When you return, the family robot has made breakfast. Due to the interconnection of everything, the jars of sauce, vinegar, oil and salt are equipped with radio frequency identifiers, and the robot will not even get the toothpick wrong. Intelligent refrigerator has become a big food manager, as long as the food purchase order is determined, the refrigerator will directly go online to place an order, pay, food procurement is completely free of worry.
The moment you leave for work, the robot has already notified the smart car that it is waiting for you. The car knows exactly who the owner is, and when you call out "go to the company", it has already planned the most convenient path through the Internet and started to navigate and drive automatically.
Today's highways are littered with signal detectors on buildings, streetlights, guardrails, and road marking lines. Once on the road, smart cars are constantly exchanging high-speed information with road detectors and other cars. The growing sophistication of image recognition in smart cars, coupled with the full IoTization of roads, is enough to ensure the safety of driverless cars. This is all thanks to 5G communication technology, which can complete the emergency braking judgment within 1 millisecond, which is much safer than human driving.
Suddenly, the traffic stops. A human-driven car in front of you has a crash, and you can't help but let out a sigh of relief. The National People's Congress is considering legislation to criminalize human-driven cars, just some of which are not yet obsolete and controversial. The smart car ahead quickly plots a collective evasive route, and traffic moves methodically away from the crash point without causing congestion.
Arriving at the office, the car automatically heads to the parking lot to recharge. Nowadays, people no longer need to worry about the maintenance of the smart car, car companies have implanted a large number of detectors within the parts, as soon as a problem occurs, it will call for service and self-repair. Your paypal, the car automatically issued maintenance orders had surprised you, and even regretted to authorize the payment function to the car smart, but think about the safety of the matter, or forget it.
Your startup is an urban vertical farm located in a building far from the city center. Thanks to the Internet of Things, the lighting, watering, and fertilizing of the fruits and vegetables you cultivate are monitored by sensors in real time and can also be done remotely; agricultural robots help with the physical labor of planting, cultivating, harvesting, packing, labeling, and transporting.
Your customers also come from the Internet of Things. Because of the green fruits and vegetables, real-time monitoring data transparency, your products have won the hearts of many smart refrigerators and home robots, automatic orders continue to flow. Unless the owner intentionally change, your products have a strong adhesion to smart refrigerators and robots, and it is not easy for competitors to take away orders.
The investor is extremely interested in your business model and has come to the company today specifically to visit, discuss and decide to bet heavily on you. The Internet of Things (IoT)ization of smart cities is spreading downward from the first and second tier cities, and your company will expand in a big way in the new cities and grow to become an industry dominant player in the niche.
Just as you're getting ready to make a big splash, a hacking attack sweeps in. It turns out that a competitor has completed the destruction of smart devices across the company by hacking into your home's smart lights, which in turn took control of home robots, and gradually seized network access to cars and company devices.
In the blink of an eye, a promising startup is wiped out by hackers and old customers fall into the hands of competitors. Your investors start sharing bloody articles online about "How an unsuspecting IoT-ized unicorn collapsed". You, on the other hand, wake up with a jolt of grief and indignation that this is nothing but a virtual IoT dream.

Who are the big players?
With the "dream" of the Internet of Things, we can better understand how the giants play in reality.
Technology giants have been moving a lot on the Internet of Things. Intel, Qualcomm, ARM and other gold Internet of Things chip; China's three major telecom operators are busy doing NB-IoT commercial trials, building stations and networks; Tencent released QQ Internet of Things intelligent platform, so that the United States of America's home appliances, Li-Ning running shoes, HP printers are realized with the QQ Intelligent Control of the Internet of Things; Ali's Internet of Things strategy has a more commercialized vision, the Haier's smart TVs, Lenovo set-top boxes, Volkswagen's intelligent Haier's smart TV, Lenovo's set-top box, Volkswagen's smart car, Philips' air purifier are all chained to the cloud, and even the car booking parking space, refueling and refrigerator shopping on Tmall, are no longer science fiction, and directly start the built-in Alipay can be paid.
The future is calling. But the IoT opportunity of the moment lies precisely not in tech companies, but in traditional manufacturing.
For example, the United States General Electric (GE), originally only manufacturing aviation engines, now the intelligent sensors installed into the engine, its real-time operation of the data through the satellite back to the cloud. When the global aviation engine data can be summarized, and then dig deeper into the data, you can realize the engine early warning, maintenance, no longer need to let the aircraft "forced vacation", with a micro-camera drilled into the engine to repeatedly check. This alone will greatly reduce the cost of both airlines and GE.
There are also cases of successful remodeling in China.
In the machinery manufacturing industry, some manufacturers need to provide equipment overhaul services for industrial and mining enterprises, which used to require factory shutdowns and production stoppages, and teachers climbing in and out. Today, the use of Internet of Things sensors real-time monitoring, equipment pressure, temperature, noise and other data is cloud-based, and then use open-source artificial intelligence algorithms to compare, you can find abnormal equipment, and then provide accurate maintenance services. A traditional manufacturing industry, this completed the Internet of Things, intelligent transformation.
The China Lung Cancer Prevention and Control Alliance also implemented the IoT strategy in 2017. Through the networking of diagnostic equipment and the accumulation of pathological data from lung cancer examinations, and then through data mining and networking diagnosis, the diagnosis rate of early-stage lung cancer patients can be greatly improved, avoiding the tragedy of a large number of patients not being diagnosed until the late stage, thus saving more lives.
The contemporary transformation of the Internet of Things (IoT) can be achieved with existing technology. The most difficult part of this is not the technology, is that technology companies do not understand the traditional industry's intrinsic demand points, thus making it difficult to develop valuable applications. After all, "different industries are like mountains".
For example, smart sockets, domestic may need power failure protection; medical need power failure alarm, because to ensure that plasma, vaccines, viruses and other low temperature preservation, instead of automatic power failure.
Whoever understands the industry deeply and captures the segmented needs will have a head start in IoT Intelligence.

new entrance
Some people see the Internet of Things industry and technology barriers, lamenting the Internet of Things water is too deep, some people can not wait to cut into, lest in the technology and business model to determine the moment to lose the first opportunity. Lei Jun said with great foresight, there is no such thing as an Internet company in the future, every company will become an Internet of Things company.
Millet was once criticized as "electronic department store", lighting, sockets, small appliances, security and so on do everything. But recently, people see millet's ecological chain layout, that is, based on the Mijia APP, will be 55 smart home products all access. Today, 50 million of millet's IoT devices are closely connected, and new products and new users are constantly coming in. People suddenly realized that intelligent hardware has become the new entrance to the family Internet of Things, and millet has become an important leader in the smart home.
The Internet of Things will bring a new world of brainstorming, but with it comes security challenges that have never been seen before.
On computers and cell phones, people can still install firewalls and antivirus software, and when tens of billions of devices are connected together, any one of the sensor loopholes will become a gap in the collapse of the entire system. Zhou Hongyi predicted that a massive number of devices in the Internet of things, people may not even find the origin of the collapse, hackers have completed the total destruction of the network. Traditional network isolation techniques will no longer be effective, people have to face the terrible reality of virtual attacks on a large scale to destroy the national infrastructure.
In October 2016, a DDoS attack broke out on the east coast of the United States, where hackers invaded a botnet of 100,000 smart devices around the world to launch a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack on domain name resolution servers, paralyzing U.S. public service systems, social networks, and more.
If the Internet of Things is realized on a large scale, this horrific attack will infiltrate every company and home, with smart appliances and robots held hostage by malware, and the damage will be unpredictable. Of course, this would be a dream new entrance and big business for cybersecurity companies.

Obviously, the Internet of Things (IoT) is on the eve of an explosion. Its technical standards have just been determined, the business model is a blur, network security can not be discussed, but people are incredibly certain that a new species of Internet will break out, and trigger a revolution in technology and business. This super-industrial wave is destined to sweep everything, some people will open up new industrial frontiers, and some people will still sit back and watch it pass by. But no matter what, every country, industry and even individual will be revolutionized.

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